Ancient Age Overview

The Ancient Age, a period of early civilizations and cultural foundations, spanned thousands of years and witnessed the rise of monumental empires, groundbreaking philosophies, and the development of writing, architecture, and governance.

Table of Contents

Prehistory (3.3 million BCE - 3000 BCE)

Overview: Prehistory encompasses human history before written records, featuring significant developments in tools, culture, and early societies.

Key Developments:

Bronze Age (3300 BCE - 1200 BCE)

Overview: The Bronze Age marked the advent of metallurgy, allowing for stronger tools and weapons, and saw the rise of complex societies and written records.

Key Events:

Iron Age (1200 BCE - 600 BCE)

Overview: The Iron Age saw iron replace bronze for weaponry and tools, coinciding with the spread of empires and increased militarization in societies across Eurasia and Africa.

Key Events:

Classical Antiquity (600 BCE - 476 CE)

Overview: Classical Antiquity is characterized by the flowering of Greek and Roman civilization, remarkable developments in philosophy, governance, and the arts, and the eventual establishment of the Roman Empire.

Key Events: